A concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), follows the
occurrence of an injury or trauma to the head.
A concussion is characterized by one or more of the following symptoms:
Loss of consciousness
Cognitive changes (i.e., memory loss, confusion)
Behavioral changes (i.e., agitation, fatigue)
Neurological changes (i.e., loss of coordination, dilated pupil or pupils, dizziness)

For most patients, post-concussion symptoms resolve without intervention. However, approximately 15% of patients demonstrate a long-term manifestation of symptoms and experience a prolonged and sporadic recovery. This is known as post-concussive syndrome (PCS). Research has identified several risk factors which can predispose individuals to PCS:
History of previous concussions or head trauma
Early presentation after injury of the following clinical symptoms: headache, fatigue and cognitive changes such as memory loss, confusion, or fatigue
Younger age
Patients with PCS can demonstrate deficits in cognitive/communication function. The cognitive/communicative impairments following a mTBI can include deficits in speech, language, social cognition, executive functioning and speed of processing. These deficits can be exhibited by the following behaviors:
Difficulty producing speech sounds correctly
Difficulty using or understanding the intonation, fluctuations, and inflections of speech
Experiencing aprosodia: the inability to understand or use the affective aspects of speech
Difficulty understanding or using spoken and/or written language
Word finding problems
Difficulty understanding the subtleties of language such as using or identifying emotions, facial expressions, gestures, or body language.
Difficulty carrying on conversations; disorganized thoughts and speech
Inability or difficulty paying attention or staying on-task
Decrease in memory function; difficulties remembering test information
Inability to organize oral and written information
Increased information processing time or decreased information processing skills
Lack of or decrease in executive functioning skills such as: initiation and completion of tasks, self-regulation, sequencing, prioritizing, time management, or mental flexibility

A Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) is uniquely qualified for evaluating and treating the cognitive-communicative deficits of PCS. Initially, the SLP will complete a formal evaluation of speech and language, social communication skills, and cognitive/communicative skills.
Following the evaluation, the SLP will develop specific goals and a treatment plan and implement interventions to target the individual deficits.
If you have questions regarding Post Concussion Syndrome interventions, please contact us online, send us an email or call us at 888-28-LAPSA (52772) to set up a consultation in our office.