Although VCD is not dangerous, the symptoms can be quite scary for patients and for people who observe these episodes. Accurate diagnosis is important for proper treatment and for helping patients to understand how they can control the breathing "attack."

How is VCD Treated?
Treatment consists of working with your physician to control medical factors which can trigger VCD. A speech language pathologist who understands VCD will be crucial in helping you develop strategies to control the VCD symptoms. Speech therapy focuses on breathing techniques to get air in during an attack since medications typically do not help. The goals of therapy include mastery of diaphragmatic (lower abdominal) breathing, reduction of upper body tension, and relaxed-throat breathing strategies. Learning whole-body relaxation techniques to manage stress also helps curb attacks.
Speech therapy also focuses on helping the client to identify all the factors that trigger an attack so that further attacks can be prevented. It is important to remember that treatment involves following all of the recommendations from your doctor(s) and speech language pathologist. The goal is for the attacks to be eliminated completely over time.